Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
GB 9814507.1, PCT/GB99/02090, EP 99929525.6, Australia 4631799
Hearing Officer
Mr R C Kennell
Decision date
27 April 2007
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
I.D.A. Ltd and others v University of Southampton and others
Provisions discussed
PA 1977 Sections 8, 12, 13, 107(1) and 107(2)
Costs, Entitlement, Inventorship
Related Decisions
O/067/02, O/444/02, O/456/02, O/516/02, O/265/03, O/086/04, O/320/06, O/046/07, O/292/06


In a supplementary decision to O/046/07, the hearing officer made no further order. He did not accept the claimants’ contention that maintenance and vesting costs remained outstanding under the guise of “renewal fees”, thinking them to have misunderstood the terms of his order in O/046/07, and he considered the defendants to have met the terms of that order. However he observed that the enforcement of costs awarded by the comptroller was a matter for the courts under section 107(2).

Full decision O/114/07 PDF document36Kb