Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
GB 9814507.1, PCT/GB99/02090, EP 99929525.6, Australia 4631799
Hearing Officer
Mr R C Kennell
Decision date
9 November 2006
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
I.D.A. Ltd and others v University of Southampton and others
Provisions discussed
PA 1977 sections 8, 12, 13
Entitlement, Inventorship, Orders
Related Decisions
O/067/02, O/444/02, O/456/02, O/516/02, O/265/03, O/086/04, O/292/06


In accordance with the order of the Court of Appeal dated 22/03/2006, the hearing officer ordered the correction of inventorship details and assignment to I.D.A. Ltd of a number of applications and patents. The issue of costs before the comptroller and whether the claimants were entitled to compensatory costs was adjourned to a further hearing.

Full decision O/320/06 PDF document303Kb