Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
EP(UK) 1144869; PCT/GB99/04323 and others, in particular Norwegian patent application 2001 2918
Hearing Officer
Mr D J Barford
Decision date
4 January 2006
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Transfer Systems International (UK) Limited and TSI (UK) Limited v International Consultants Group Ltd and Black Spruce Holdings LLC
Provisions discussed
PA.1977 Sections 12, 33, 37, 77, 78
Assignment, Entitlement, Jurisdiction, Rectification of register
Related Decisions


In unopposed references under sections 12 and 37, the claimants argued that an earlier, unregistered assignment from the inventor to the claimants took precedence over a later, registered assignment from the inventor to the defendants.

Held, in respect of the section 37 reference, that under section 33 the claimants were entitled to the EP patent by virtue of the earlier assignment. The hearing officer directed that the earlier assignment be registered.

Full decision O/001/06 PDF document33Kb