Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
GB 2335687
Hearing Officer
Mr P Hayward
Decision date
11 January 2005
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Smith International Inc v Specialised Petroleum Group Services
Provisions discussed
CPR part 52; PA 1977 section 72
Appeal, Extensions of time
Related Decisions


The comptroller no longer has jurisdiction to extend the period for filing an appellants notice at the High Court - see Patent Office Practice Notice 1/2003 at [2003] RPC 46. However, the hearing officer held that, owing to an anomaly in the Civil Procedure Rules, he did have jurisdiction to direct the period within which the respondents notice should be filed. Having considered the facts, he directed that the respondents notice be filed within three weeks, rather than the default period of two weeks that would otherwise have applied.

Full decision O/009/05 PDF document17Kb