Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
GB2344348 and GB2372039
Hearing Officer
Mr B Micklewright
Decision date
24 January 2011
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Farrow Holdings Group Inc.
Provisions discussed
Section 28(3), Patents Act 1977
Related Decisions


In this case there were discrepancies between initial evidence filed during the course of discussions between the applicant and the Office in relation to whether to allow restoration of these two patents, and further evidence filed shortly before the hearing. The hearing officer decided that the further evidence set out a more plausible scenario as to the circumstances surrounding the failure to pay the renewal fees. It was clear from this evidence that the applicant had always intended to renew the patents. The hearing officer therefore found that the failure to pay the renewal fees within the period prescribed by section 28(3) was unintentional and allowed the restoration.

Full decision O/017/11 PDF document108Kb