Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
GB9706427.3, GB9805045.3, PCT/GB98/00803, EP98913892.0, GB9905434.8, PCT/GB99/00624
Hearing Officer
Mr G M Bridges
Decision date
29 January 2001
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
D Pearson & Decalite Ltd v H A Quinn
Provisions discussed
PA 1977 sections 8(1)(a), 12(1)(a), 13(1), 13(3)
Entitlement, Evidence, Extensions of time, Inventorship
Related Decisions


A requested extension of time for filing evidence in chief was contested. The referrer filed five witness statements within the time period allowed, but requested an extension of two months on the grounds, inter alia, that one witness was working abroad. An extension of roughly five weeks was granted.

Full decision O/044/01 PDF document8Kb