Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
Hearing Officer
Mr B Micklewright
Decision date
7 February 2017
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Peter John Bayram
Provisions discussed
Patents Act 1977 sections 14(5), 76(2)
Clarity, Support
Related Decisions


The invention related to throttling exhaust gases in a diesel engine. The examiner had argued that there were various problems with the claims including that they added subject matter not present in the application as originally filed, they lacked clarity, and were not supported by the description. The hearing officer found that the claims did add subject matter, lacked clarity, and were not supported by the description. The extended period for putting the application in order (the “compliance period”) had expired and the hearing officer decided it was not appropriate to exercise discretion to further extend the compliance period. No further amendments were therefore possible to overcome the above deficiencies and the hearing officer therefore refused the application.

Full decision O/047/17 PDF document83Kb