Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
GB 0019522.2
Hearing Officer
Mr P Marchant
Decision date
4 March 2005
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Citibank N.A.
Provisions discussed
PA. 1977 Section 1(2)
Excluded fields (refused)
Related Decisions


The invention concerns the detection of abnormalities in input data to financial risk management systems. The system compares the information content of input data with historical input data and uses statistical methods to determine the likelihood that changes in the input data are the result of one or more errors in the data rather than authentic variations. The hearing officer found that the invention fell within the excluded fields set out in section 1(2) of the Act and did not involve a technical contribution since the detection of errors in data was a mathematical rather than a technical activity.

Full decision O/055/05 PDF document41Kb