Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
GB 2165292 C
Hearing Officer
Mr S N Dennehey
Decision date
10 April 2003
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Clear Focus Imaging Inc v Contra Vision Limited
Provisions discussed
PA.1977 sections 27, 71, 75, 76
Added subject matter, Amendment, Novelty
Related Decisions
O/079/00, O/137/00, O/412/00, O/388/01


Following refusal of a request to amend under section 75 (originally made under section 27), Contra Vision filed a revised proposal. The hearing officer refused this proposal on various grounds (including lack of novelty and added subject matter), and set out a schedule of strictly limited amendments, including the deletion of certain claims, which if made would render the proposal acceptable. A period of two months was given to Contra Vision to submit a further proposal.

Taking account of the result of this hearing and of previous hearings on the matter, no order as to costs was made.

Full decision O/099/03 PDF document110Kb