Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
GB 02385441
Hearing Officer
Mr S Probert
Decision date
12 April 2006
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Intuwave Limited
Provisions discussed
PA1977 Sections 1(2)(c) . Article 52 EPC
Excluded fields (refused)
Related Decisions


The invention relates to an application programming environment in a "resource constrained" mobile telephone. It proposes the use of a runtime library comprising three types of code which enable a wide range of different applications to be constructed. These three types of code form what is described as a "restricted set of mandatory primitives" that are capable of being combined with additional code (called "glue logic") to create different applications. These primitives occupy very little code space, and this means that any primitives that are common to several applications can be burnt to ROM.

The Hearing Officer agreed that the test for patentability is as set out RiM v Inpro, ie. "Taking the claims correctly construed, what does the claimed invention contribute to the art outside excluded subject matter?" He concluded that the substance of the invention is a better way of writing a computer program, and that therefore the contribution to the art that is made by this invention is entirely within excluded subject matter - ie. programs for computers as such.

Full decision O/102/06 PDF document32Kb