Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
GB0521120.6 and GB0608130.1
Hearing Officer
Mr P Marchant
Decision date
17 April 2008
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
BlackLight Power Inc
Provisions discussed
Patents Act 1977 Sections 1(1)(c) and 14(3)
Industrial application, Sufficiency
Related Decisions


The applications relate respectively to a plasma reactor and a laser, both dependent for their operation on a “new hydrogen species”. The new hydrogen species involves the electron (the hydrogen atom has one electron) existing in a lower energy state than the lowest possible energy state recognised in standard physics. This arrangement was described in a new theory of atomic physics. The hearing officer considered the likely validity of the new theory. He decided, on the basis of the experimental evidence provided and the acceptance of the theory by the physics community generally, that it was probably not valid. The applications were consequently refused for lack of industrial application and insufficiency.

Full decision O/114/08 PDF document59Kb