Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
Hearing Officer
Mr A C Howard
Decision date
6 May 2009
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Leonard S Stockley v Husqvarna UK Limited
Provisions discussed
Patents Act 1977, section 72; Patents Rules 2007 rules 82-84
Confidentiality, Pleadings, Striking out
Related Decisions


The application originally cited s. 72 (b) and (e) of the Act as grounds for revocation. A request for confidentiality was also made. Following correspondence with the Office in which the grounds for the application were questioned, the parties agreed to a preliminary decision on the papers to settle the preliminary matters and give directions on the future conduct of the proceedings. It was decided to strike out the application based on s. 72(e) but allow the applicant to file an amended statement citing s. 72(a) in place of s. 72(b) on the grounds that the reference to s.72(b) appeared to stem from a misunderstanding. The request for confidentiality was rejected.

Full decision O/118/09 PDF document49Kb