Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
GB 0220042.6
Hearing Officer
Mrs S Williams
Decision date
3 May 2005
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Mr Olaf Rock, Telectra Ltd, Alan Frank Parker, Donald Keri Rees and Ian Chisholm Hipkins
Provisions discussed
Section 13(1) and Section 13(3)
Related Decisions


Following the filing of an application under section 13(1) and 13(3), and consent being filed by Ian Chisholm Hipkins, Donald Keri Rees and Alan Frank Parker, the application was allowed. It was found that Alan Frank Parker should be named as sole inventor in the published patent application and any patent granted for the invention. It was also directed that an addendum slip be prepared for the published application; the slip will mention Alan Frank Parker as sole inventor and state that Ian Chisholm Hipkins should not have been named as inventor. The decision serves as a certificate to the effect that Ian Chisholm Hipkins should not have been named as an inventor in the published patent application for the invention.

Full decision O/123/05 PDF document12Kb