Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
EP 1295550 B1
Hearing Officer
Mr S Probert
Decision date
23 March 2017
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
John Horsfall & Sons (Greetland) Ltd V Robert J MacDonald
Provisions discussed
Sect 72
Inventive step, Novelty, Revocation
Related Decisions


An application for revocation of a patent for an improvement to the design/manufacture of a fitted bed sheet. The invention is concerned with removing the ‘ears’ of surplus material that were formed in the prior art process.

The patent was alleged to be invalid for want of novelty and/or inventive step on the basis of an earlier patent publication and (in the case of inventive step) common general knowledge. Following a hearing, the hearing officer concluded that the patent was both novel and inventive over the prior art relied upon by the claimant.

Full decision O/138/17 PDF document350Kb