Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
Hearing Officer
Mr S N Dennehey
Decision date
25 May 2004
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Thomas Swan & Company Limited v English Hop Products Limited
Provisions discussed
PA 1977 S. 72 (1)
Inventive step, Revocation
Related Decisions


The patent related to a process for the hydrogenation of hop acids used in beer making which involved carrying out the process in supercritical carbon dioxide over a noble metal catalyst. Thomas Swan contended that the patent should be revoked for lack of inventive step on the basis of a single prior art document which disclosed hydrogenation reactions using supercritical carbon dioxide and a noble metal catalyst. This prior art document disclosed the use of the process to hydrogenate a range of organic compounds. None of these disclosed compounds were hop acids although it was argued by Thomas Swan that some were sufficiently similar. Nevertheless the hearing officer held that these similarities were not sufficient to render the claims of the patent invalid through lack of inventive step and refused the application for revocation.

Full decision O/146/04 PDF document83Kb