Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
Hearing Officer
Mrs J A Wilson
Decision date
25 June 2003
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Mr M A McKenzie
Provisions discussed
PA.1977 s2, s3, s14(5), s76
Added subject matter, Clarity, Inventive step, Novelty
Related Decisions


During the course of examination the claims were amended several times in response to novelty, inventive step and clarity objections but none of the amended claims were considered to meet the objections and, additionally, some of the amended claims were deemed to add matter.

The HO held that the examiners objections were well-founded and that, whilst amendments could be made to clarify the claims and remove the added matter, there were no technical features in the application as originally filed which could be added to the claims in order to meet the novelty and inventive step objections. The application was refused.

Full decision O/182/03 PDF document33Kb