Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
EP 2102613
Hearing Officer
Mrs S Eaves
Decision date
4 May 2016
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Genosmart Ltd, Amots Osri and Ofer Zohar
Provisions discussed
PA Act 1977 Section 13(1)
Related Decisions


An application under rule 10(2) of the Patent Rules 2007 was filed by Genosmart Ltd to mention Ofer Zohar as joint inventor along with Amots Osri. Amots Osri and Ofer Zohar subsequently filed written consent in support of the application. As such, the comptroller considered the application to be unopposed and found that Ofer Zohar should be mentioned as joint inventor in the granted patent for the invention and directed that an addendum slip mentioning Ofer Zohar as joint inventor be prepared for the granted patent for the invention.

Full decision O/218/16 PDF document46Kb