Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
EP (UK) 1178913, EP (UK) 1178914, EP (UK) 1178917, EP (UK) 1178918 and EP (UK) 1187754
Hearing Officer
Mrs S Williams
Decision date
5 October 2005
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Edscha AG and Adam Opel AG
Provisions discussed
PA Act 1977 Section 37
Related Decisions


In a decision dated 23 August 2004, it was found that Laszlo Kreth and Ingo Renneisen should be mentioned as joint inventors. Adam Opel AG, being the employer of Laszlo Kreth and Ingo Renneisen, filed a reference under section 37 claiming they should be mentioned as joint patent proprietors along with Edscha AG. The reference proceeded as uncontested and accordingly it was found that Adam Opel AG should be mentioned as joint patent proprietors and directed that they be mentioned as such in the patents register. It was also directed that addendum slips mentioning them as joint patent proprietors be prepared for each of the EP (UK) patents.

Full decision O/257/05 PDF document77Kb