Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
Hearing Officer
Mr J Elbro
Decision date
3 October 2008
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Dynamotors Inc
Provisions discussed
PA Act 1977 Sections 1,3
Inventive step
Related Decisions


The application related to control of a brushless motor system. The motor used LED switches to speed up or slow down the rotating armature to optimize torque in response to position and speed information. The difference from a previous patent application by the applicant, US 6049187, was found to be the use of separate optical sensors to detect each of speed and position, and features relating to how this was done. Overall, the hearing officer considered the differences to not consititute an inventive step over US 6049187 and the common general knowledge of use of optical sensors in the field.

Full decision O/271/08 PDF document113Kb