Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
Hearing Officer
Mr R C Kennell
Decision date
30 October 2008
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Inventech UK Limited
Provisions discussed
PA 1977 sections 1(1), 89A(3),(5), 107(1); PR 2007 rules 69, 70, 113(5), 115; Human Rights Act section 6
Costs, Inventive step, Novelty
Related Decisions


Having regard to the above provisions the examiner held that the comptroller was not generally obliged to supply certified translations of non-English language documents cited during search and examination of an application under the 1977 Act. He did not accept that failure to do this was a breach of human rights or natural justice, or was a procedural impropriety. The application would be remitted to the examiner to consider arguments on novelty and inventive step advanced at the hearing. The applicant had asked for costs, but no award was made as these were ex parte proceedings.

Full decision O/298/08 PDF document58Kb