Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
Hearing Officer
Mr P Slater
Decision date
1 July 2015
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Genapsys Inc.
Provisions discussed
PA 1977 Section 76(2) and 1(1)(b)
Added subject matter, Inventive step, Support
Related Decisions


The claimed invention relates to a method of sequencing a nucleic acid sample. Particles or ‘beads’ which carry nucleic acid molecules are subjected to an electric field in order to enhance amplification reactions, following which the amplified nucleic acid molecules are subject to an extension reaction which is monitored with a sensor array. Each sensor of the array comprises a pair of electrodes, and the sensors detect changes in impedance of the particles as a result of the extension reactions. The recorded impedance measurements allow for the sequencing the nucleic acid sample.

The hearing officer concluded that the claims, when properly construed, did not include added matter. The application was remitted back to the examiner for further examination in the light of the decision.

Full decision O/305/15 PDF document106Kb