Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
EP (UK) 0548984
Hearing Officer
Mrs S Williams
Decision date
30 November 2005
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Seiko Epson Corporation, Saturo Hosono, Tomoaki Abe, Shuji Yonekubo, Minoru Usui and Masahiko Yoshida
Provisions discussed
PA. 1977 Section 13(1)
Related Decisions


As a result of an uncontested application filed under section 13(1) by Seiko Epson Corporation, it was found that Minoru Usui and Masahiko Yoshida should also be mentioned as joint inventors in granted patent EP (UK) 0548984 and directed that an addendum slip mentioning them as joint inventors be prepared for the granted patent for the invention.

Full decision O/311/05 PDF document15Kb