Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
GB 0006887.4
Hearing Officer
Mr Brunt
Decision date
27 October 2003
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Robert Leonard Carpenter
Provisions discussed
PA 1977 sections 1(1)(b), 3
Inventive step
Related Decisions


The application was entitled Hands-free megaphone and claimed a combination of a microphone assembly, a body pack including an output horn secured by a belt around a users body, and a cable connecting the microphone assembly and the body pack. An objection of lack of inventive step was based on a French patent. It was found that there were several differences between the claimed invention and the disclosure in the cited French patent. Following Windsurfing, it was held that the current application involved an inventive step, and should proceed to grant.

Full decision O/325/03 PDF document16Kb