Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
GB0024500.1, GB0024501.9 and GB0024503.5.
Hearing Officer
Mr M C Wright
Decision date
15 August 2002
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Mr Adrian Neil Warren
Provisions discussed
Patents Rules 1995, Rule 110(4)
Extensions of time
Related Decisions


The Hearing Officer accepted that the proprietor contacted the Patent Office by telephone shortly before the expiry of the twelve-month period for requesting preliminary examination and search. He also took the view that the applicant may have misunderstood what he was told and so genuinely believed he could obtain a longer automatic extension of time to file the Patents Form 9/77 and fee for each application. The Hearing Officer was therefore satisfied that the applicant always had a continuing underlying intention to file the forms and fees and that the request for an extension of time did not constitute a change of mind. He therefore gave the applicant the benefit of the doubt and allowed the extension request.

Full decision O/340/02 PDF document18Kb