Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
GB 1116612.1
Hearing Officer
Miss J Pullen
Decision date
19 June 2019
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc.
Provisions discussed
Section 1(2)
Excluded fields (allowed)
Related Decisions


The invention relates to managing process control data. Process data from the field devices is provided to a workstation which displays process data using a corresponding electronic device description language (EDDL) file. In the prior art the entire database may need to be searched in order to locate the process data referenced in the EDDL file and if the location of the process data is changed in the database system then the EDDL files for each field device have to be updated accordingly. The present invention aims to solve these issues by providing a standardised common file format for storing process data using descriptor files of a standardised form which can take over some of the roles of the EDDL files.

The Hearing Officer applied the Aerotel/Macrossan four step test, considered the AT&T/CVON signposts and found that the contribution fell outside the excluded categories. The application was remitted back to the examiner for further processing.

Full decision O/346/19 PDF document300Kb