Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
GB2344348 B and GB2372039 B
Hearing Officer
Mr P Slater
Decision date
2 September 2013
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Secretary of State for Defence v Farrow Holdings Group, Inc.
Provisions discussed
Patents Act 1977 Section 72
Inventive step, Novelty, Revocation
Related Decisions
O/008/05, O/308/05, O/041/08


Revocation was sought on the grounds of lack of novelty, inventive step and sufficiency. The invention relates to a method for removing surface coatings such as paint, varnish or biological growth from the outer hull of a boat by abrasive blasting. The Hearing Officer found that the choice of particulate size and temperature ranges claimed were either known or involved no inventive step.

Full decision O/353/13 PDF document216Kb