Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
Hearing Officer
Mr H Jones
Decision date
10 August 2015
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Neda Al-Anezi
Provisions discussed
Sections 1(1)(c) and 14(3)
Clarity, Industrial application, Sufficiency
Related Decisions


The application relates to a dynamic fluid pump for raising fluid from a basin to a tank against the force of gravity. It comprises an elaborate arrangement of pipes, reservoirs, valves and pistons that can be operated in such a way as to raise fluid from the basin without external power. The hearing officer agreed with the examiner’s view that the pump could not operate in the way described and that invention could be regarded as a perpetual motion machine. The application was refused on the basis that the invention was incapable of industrial application and for not describing the invention in a clear and complete manner for it to be performed by a person skilled in the art.

Full decision O/380/15 PDF document79Kb