Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
Hearing Officer
Mrs J Roberts
Decision date
27 November 2018
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
K.L. Kaschier-Und Laminier GmbH, Albert Roring and Rembert Schulze Wehninck
Provisions discussed
PA Act 1977 Section 13(1)
Related Decisions


An uncontested application was filed by the proprietor K.L. Kaschier-Und Laminier GmbH under rule 10(2) of the Patents Rules 2007. As a result, it was found that Rembert Schulze Wehninck should be mentioned as a joint inventor along with Albert Roring in the granted patent for the invention and directed that an addendum slip mentioning Rembert Schulze Wehninck as a joint inventor be prepared for the granted patent for the invention.

Full decision O/760/18 PDF document194Kb