Supplementary Protection Certificate Search
- SPC number
- SPC/GB13/079
- Filing date
- 13 December 2013
Applicant(s) details
- Name
The Regents of the University of California
- Address
12th Floor
1111 Franklin Street
CA 94607-5200
Agent details
- Name
J.A.Kemp LLP
- Address
80 Turnmill Street
Patent details
- Patent number
- EP1893196
- Title
Diarylhydantoin compound
UK authorisation details
- Authority date
- 25 June 2013
- UK authorisations
Product details
- Product description
enzalutamide or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof
- Status
- Granted
- 19 June 2019
- Product type
- Medicinal
Life details
- In force date
- Actual expiry date
- Maximum expiry date
- 24 June 2028
- Invalid date
- Lapsed date
- Lapsed status
Extension details
- Lodged date
- Granted date
- Refused date
- Revoked date
- Expiry date
- Authorisation number
- Authorisation date
Information concerning revocation actions and other legal proceedings on an SPC is included in the Patents Status Information record of the relevant patent.