Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
Hearing Officer
Mr P Mason
Decision date
14 January 2021
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
David John Jones
Provisions discussed
Patents Act 1977 Section 14(3), Section 14(5)(b) and Section 76(2)
Added subject matter, Clarity, Sufficiency
Related Decisions


The application concerns a profile for a bricklayer’s tool. The tool comprises a staff, a clamp, and an arrangement of bolts and handwheels to allow positioning. The main claim is directed to extrusion dies to produce said tool. The hearing officer considered whether the invention was sufficiently disclosed as required by Section 14(3); whether the amended claim disclosed added matter as set out in Section 76(2); and whether the amended claim clearly defined the scope of the invention as required by Section 14(5)(b). The hearing officer found that the application was not sufficiently disclosed and was not clear enough to be performed by a skilled addressee. As such it was not necessary to give further consideration of the added subject matter. The application was refused under Section 18(3).

Full decision O/042/21 PDF document253Kb