Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
GB 2360867
Hearing Officer
Mr P Back
Decision date
24 April 2007
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Ingenico (UK) Limited and Pendawell 2007 Ltd
Provisions discussed
Rule 3.9 Civil Procedure Rules
Delay, Evidence
Related Decisions


This was a preliminary decision in a case for revocation in which the patent proprietor (defendant) had recently changed. The defendant made a request to file further evidence relating to the identity of the skilled person, which they claimed had been raised for the first time in the claimant’s evidence in reply. The claimant objected, noting that the date set for the main hearing was imminent and the defendants had been in possession of the evidence in reply for several months. Considering the request in the light of the criteria set out in rule 3.9 of the Civil Procedure Rules, the hearing officer agreed to the defendant’s request but gave the claimants an opportunity to file a response to the defendant’s further evidence before the main hearing.

Full decision O/113/07 PDF document32Kb