Patent decision
- BL number
- O/018/12
- Concerning rights in
- GB0624556.7
- Hearing Officer
- Mr H Jones
- Decision date
- 20 January 2012
- Person(s) or Company(s) involved
- General Electric Company
- Provisions discussed
- Sections 1(2), 76(2)
- Keywords
- Added subject matter, Excluded fields (allowed)
- Related Decisions
- None
The application relates to a method of predicting the behaviour of a process using a computer program. It was accepted that predicting the behaviour of a process is excluded under section 1(2) as being a computer program as such, unless the prediction is used for control or diagnostic purposes. Amendments to the claims were proposed which would add a step to evaluate or optimise the process based on the prediction. Support for the proposed amendments was identified in the description. The Hearing Officer referred the application back to the examiner for continued processing.
Full decision O/018/12 28Kb