Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
Hearing Officer
Mrs S Williams
Decision date
20 February 2009
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
The Australian National University and The Commonwealth of Australia
Provisions discussed
Patents Act 1977 Section 37
Related Decisions


The claimant, The Australian National University, filed proceedings under section 37 to the effect that they should be named as co-proprietor by virtue of the employment of Friedrich Gert Stange and an assignment agreement with Naig le Bouffant, both named as inventors with Javaan Singh Chahl. The reference was supported by The Commonwealth of Australia, the named proprietor, and in the absence of any counter-statements from each of the named inventors, was considered unopposed. The comptroller ordered that The Australian National University should be named as co-proprietor with The Commonwealth of Australia in respect of patent number GB 2406396 and directed that the register be rectified to reflect the order and an addendum for the patent be prepared.

Full decision O/054/09 PDF document200Kb