Patent decision
- BL number
- O/096/12
- Concerning rights in
- GB 0807865.1 & GB 0807867.7
- Hearing Officer
- Mr P Thorpe
- Decision date
- 9 March 2012
- Person(s) or Company(s) involved
- VMware Inc
- Provisions discussed
- PA 1977 Section 1(2)
- Keywords
- Excluded fields (allowed)
- Related Decisions
- None
The decision considered whether the inventions claimed in two similar applications were excluded as computer programs. The applications related to the deployment of software applications to the runtime environment of a computer. The hearing officer, applying the test set out in Aerotel/Macrossan found that the inventions involved, in both cases a technical contribution and as such were not excluded as computer programs as such. The cases were remitted back to the examiner.
Full decision O/096/12 147Kb