Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
GB0030707.4 (GB2366412)
Hearing Officer
Mr A Bartlett
Decision date
29 May 2003
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Accucard Limited
Provisions discussed
PA 1977 section 1(2)(c).
Excluded fields (refused)
Related Decisions


The application relates to a method and system for allowing a user to buy personalised financial products on the internet. A user interface is provided which includes a number of interdependent controls, each corresponding to a cost-benefit parameter relating to the product (e.g. APR or annual fee). The minimum and maximum possible parameter values, and the way in which changing one parameter has a knock-on effect on another parameter, are determined based on the expected profitability of the customer to the product provider. Within these limitations, the customer can set the control settings to adjust the characteristics of the product to meet his needs, being assured that any combination he chooses is acceptable to the provider. The customer can then accept the financial product of his choosing using the user interface, and the personalised financial product is duly created.

Held not to make any technical contribution and to be excluded as a method of doing business and a program for a computer.

Full decision O/145/03 PDF document22Kb