Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
GB 9818184.5, GB 9818186.0, GB 9818187.8, GB 9818188.6
Hearing Officer
Mr P Hayward
Decision date
15 May 2000
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Cerise Innovation Technology Ltd v Comodo Technology Development Ltd
Provisions discussed
PA 1977 sections 8, 107
Costs, Entitlement, Withdrawal
Related Decisions
O/067/00, O/142/00, O/355/99


After withdrawing a reference under section 8(1)(a) in respect of unpublished patent applications that the referrer had not even seen, the referrer sought costs on the grounds that the defendant should have provided more information about the patent applications. This was rejected as the defendant was under no obligation to provide such information, and costs were awarded to the defendant according to the normal scale.

Full decision O/171/00 PDF document11Kb