Patent decision
- BL number
- O/264/06
- Concerning rights in
- GB0309205.3 GB0309206.1
- Hearing Officer
- Mr H Jones
- Decision date
- 20 September 2006
- Person(s) or Company(s) involved
- Micron Europe Limited
- Provisions discussed
- PA Act 1977 section 1(2)(c)
- Keywords
- Excluded fields (allowed)
- Related Decisions
- None
The applications relate to the use of parallel processing in active memory applications. Following the CFPH approach, the Hearing Officer was able to identify an advance in the art that lay outside the description of an invention in the sense of Article 52 of the EPC. However, he could find no support for such an advance in the claims as currently filed. The Hearing Officer gave the applicant a further two months in which to submit amended claims.
Full decision O/264/06 113Kb