Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
US 09/805377; CA 2339345
Hearing Officer
Mr D J Barford
Decision date
17 July 2002
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
British Telecommunications plc v Richard Wyatt, Robert Michael Percival and Raman Kashyap
Provisions discussed
PA 1977 sections 8, 12, 39, 43
Costs, Entitlement, Orders
Related Decisions


Held that BT were the rightful owners of the US and Canadian applications.

Mr Yashap was ordered to execute the necessary documents (Messrs Wyatt and Percival already having signed); failing that, BT were authorised to sign on his behalf. Costs awarded against Mr Kashyap, but not Messrs Wyatt and Percival.

Cannings’ United States Application [1992] RPC 459 followed.

Full decision O/278/02 PDF document22Kb