Patent decision
- BL number
- O/361/10
- Concerning rights in
- GB0710637.0
- Hearing Officer
- Mr H Jones
- Decision date
- 21 October 2010
- Person(s) or Company(s) involved
- The Honey Pot Trust
- Provisions discussed
- PA 1977 Section 1(1)(b) and 1(2)
- Keywords
- Excluded fields (allowed), Inventive step
- Related Decisions
- None
The application relates to a system which allows the occurrence of a transaction and the events forming part of the transaction to be verified by separate recording of audio/visual information relating to the transaction. The audio/visual information is captured by a camera and stored in a subsidiary data store of a central store that is accessible only to satellite data processing systems associated with the particular subsidiary store. The hearing officer found that the invention did not relate to a computer program or a method of doing business as such, and that it did involve an inventive step. The application was referred back to the examiner to deal with minor matters of construction prior to sending to grant.
Full decision O/361/10 47Kb