Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
Hearing Officer
Miss J Pullen
Decision date
1 December 2010
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
I2 Technologies US, Inc.
Provisions discussed
PA 1977 Section 1(2)(c)
Excluded fields (refused)
Related Decisions
GB 0604622.1, GB 0604820.1


The application relates to a custom application builder for supply chain management. In particular a user wanting access to supply chain related data may build a "custom" application using data in one or more particular "modules", respective modules relating to subsets of data in the supply chain such as purchase order data, inventory data, forecasting data, invoice data, and management data. Upon selecting the modules they need from a database of modules, the user can customise how the data may be displayed, the specification showing particular forms of tabulation of data.

In coming to her decision the Hearing Officer considered the decision in Symbian and

analysed the claims using the Areotel/Macrossan four step test. The Hearing Officer found that the contribution related to a computer program, method of doing business and presentation of information and that the contribution was not technical and was therefore excluded under Section 1(2)(c) of the Act.

Full decision O/416/10 PDF document46Kb