Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
GB0215832.7, GB0215833.5, WO2004/005355, WO2004/004880, EP1519963 and EP1526914
Hearing Officer
Mr S Probert
Decision date
20 September 2016
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne
Provisions discussed
Sect 39, Sect 12
Related Decisions


Professor Galip Akay made several inventions in the course of his normal duties as a professor at the University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. He filed a number of patent applications concerning these inventions. His employer claimed that the inventions, and the patent applications relating to them, belonged to his employer by virtue of section 39(1)(a).

Neither Prof. Akay, nor any other interested party, filed a counter statement so the proceedings were uncontested. The Hearing Officer made an order transferring all rights in the inventions to the claimant.

Full decision O/439/16 PDF document73Kb