Patent decision

BL number
Concerning rights in
GB 1001168.2
Hearing Officer
Mrs S E Chalmers
Decision date
10 November 2014
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Michael Oluwaseun Bamidele
Provisions discussed
Sections 1(1)(a), 1(1)(b) and 14(5)(b) PA 1977
Clarity, Inventive step, Novelty
Related Decisions


The invention is concerned with a system for the wireless transmission of audio visual signals from a portable device (such as a smart phone or personal computer) to a television or video projector. The system comprises a transmitter adaptor for encoding and transmitting the signals from the portable device and a receiver adaptor for receiving and decoding the signals. The transmitter receiver may be built into the portable device or connected to the USB port of the portable device. Likewise, the receiver adaptor may be built-in or connected to the transmission port of the television or video projector.

The Hearing Officer found that the claims lacked clarity and, in so far as they could be understood, also lacked novelty and did not involve an inventive step. She refused the application under section 18(3).

Full decision O/481/14 PDF document221Kb