Trade mark decision
- BL Number
- O/069/06
- Decision date
- 13 March 2006
- Appointed Person
- Mr Richard Arnold QC
- Mark
- m.d.e.m
- Classes
- 16, 39, 41, 42
- Applicant
- Helen Hyde
- Opponent
- Reed Midem Organisation SA
- Decision on costs in Opposition Proceedings
No order as to costs in respect of the appeal, and the Hearing Officer’s award at first instance set aside.
Points Of Interest
- Costs in proceedings before the Appointed Person.
In his two earlier decisions on the substantive matters (see BL O/306/05 and BL O/333/05) the Appointed Person had reserved his decision on costs and invited submissions on the subject.
This decision sets out his review of the actions and submissions of the parties (faults on both sides and the result essentially a draw).
In the result he set aside the Hearing Officer’s costs order and he made no order as to costs in respect of the appeal
Full decision O/069/06 13Kb