Trade mark decision
- BL Number
- O/107/07
- Decision date
- 18 April 2007
- Hearing Officer
- Mr G Salthouse
- Mark
- Classes
- 09, 42
- Registered Proprietor
- Elex S.P.A.
- Applicants for revocation
- Eleco Plc
- Application for Revocation
- Section 46(1)(b)
Application for revocation, Section 46(1)(b), successful for the most part.
Points Of Interest
- None
The evidence of use provided by the registered proprietor showed (very limited) use only in respect of “computer software for designing lifts”. The Hearing Officer therefore reduced the specification accordingly. In view of the fact that the application for revocation had for the most part succeeded costs were awarded to the applicant.
Full decision O/107/07 41Kb