Trade mark decision
- BL Number
- O/314/07
- Decision date
- 29 October 2007
- Hearing Officer
- Mrs A Corbett
- Mark
- DIVINE (stylised)
- Classes
- 14
- Applicants
- Ms Lois Levy
- Opponents
- Amor KG
- Opposition
- Section 5(2)(b)
Section 5(2)(b): Opposition failed.
Points Of Interest
- None
The opponent’s opposition is based upon its ownership of a Community Trade Mark registration of the mark DIVINA in respect of identical goods as those of the applicant. As identical goods are at issue the Hearing Officer had only to compare the respective marks DIVINE (stylised) and DIVINA under Section 5(2)(b).
Because of the presence of items of jewellery in the applicant’s mark the Hearing Officer considered the respective marks to be different visually. She also considered that the opponent’s mark would be pronounced as DIV-EE-NAR as compared to the applicant’s DIV-INE mark. Also the marks differed conceptually in that DIVINA is an invented word. Overall the Hearing Officer concluded that the respective marks are not confusingly similar and that consequently opposition failed on this ground.
Full decision O/314/07 51Kb