Trade mark decision
- BL Number
- O/341/07
- Decision date
- 19 November 2007
- Hearing Officer
- Mr M Foley
- Mark
- CAS (series of three marks)
- Classes
- 18, 25
- Applicant
- Carol Anne Gwynne
- Opponent
- Grotto S.P.A.
- Opposition
- Section 5(2)(b)
Section 5(2)(b): Opposition failed.
Points Of Interest
- Comparison of the marks GAS v CAS; effect of small differences in ‘short’ marks.
The opposition was based on registrations of the mark GAS (and device of a tick), registered in Classes 18 and 25 in respect of goods which the Hearing Officer found to be identical. Having compared the marks, however and on an overall assessment, the Hearing Officer found no likelihood of confusion. The opposition failed accordingly.
Full decision O/341/07 93Kb