Trade mark decision
- BL Number
- O/523/02
- Decision date
- 19 December 2002
- Hearing Officer
- Mr D Landau
- Mark
- Classes
- 25
- Applicant
- Emme Associates Inc
- Opponent
- Maglieficio Emmebivi Di Cesare Bellu SPA
- Opposition
- Sections 5(2)(b) & 5(4)(a)
Section 5(2)(b) - Opposition successful
Sections 5(4)(a) - No formal finding
Points Of Interest
- Comparison of the marks EMMEBIVI v EMME
The opposition was based on the opponents’ registration and use of their mark EMMEBIVI, in respect of identical goods. After comparing the marks and taking account of all other relevant factors the Hearing Officer came to the conclusion that a likelihood of confusion existed. The Section 5(2)(b) objection succeeded. He made no formal finding under Section 5(4)(a); the opponents could not do any better under this hearing than under Section 5(2)(b).
Full decision O/523/02 46Kb