Trade mark decision
- BL Number
- O/530/17
- Decision date
- 19 October 2017
- Hearing Officer
- Mr M Williams
- Mark
- iF independent first
- Classes
- 36
- Section 3(6) Bad Faith - Knowledge of opponent's use in the UK
- Section 3(6) Bad Faith - Knowledge of opponent's mark outside the UK
- Section 3(6) Bad Faith - Application by local agent / UK distributor problems
- Sections 5(1), 5(2) and 5(3) Earlier Trade Marks - Distinctive and dominant components
- Sections 5(1), 5(2) and 5(3) Earlier Trade Marks - Composite word and device marks
- Sections 5(1), 5(2) and 5(3) Earlier Trade Marks - Particular visual / aural / conceptual considerations
- Sections 5(1), 5(2) and 5(3) Likelihood of Confusion - Effect of concurrent use
Full decision O/530/17 148Kb