Trade mark decision
- BL Number
- O/574/17
- Decision date
- 21 November 2017
- Hearing Officer
- Mr A James
- Mark
- Tin Pan Alley
- Revocation / Proof of Use - Dates - genuine use
- Revocation / Proof of Use - Dates - use as a trade mark
- Revocation / Proof of Use - Use with Registered Proprietor’s (RP) consent - use by licensee
- Revocation / Proof of Use - Use with Registered Proprietor’s (RP) consent - use by others
- Revocation / Proof of Use - Use with Registered Proprietor’s (RP) consent - use by another company in a group
- Revocation / Proof of Use - Partial revocation - arriving at a fair description of goods / services
- Procedural Issues - Further evidence
- Procedural Issues - EOTs
Full decision O/574/17 320Kb