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Searching images

Select the type of image search from drop down menu.

The image search uses the Vienna Code classification.

Using the Vienna Classification

Trade marks are classified using three levels of the Vienna Classification, which is the international standard way of categorizing image marks. These are:

  • Category

    This is the top level and is a very general classification e.g. Animals or Landscapes. Using this level of search is likely to retrieve a large number of results and may exceed the maximum number of results available for display.

  • Division

    The second level divides the classification into a more detailed description e.g.

    Category: Animals
    Division: Birds and Bats

    Category: Landscapes
    Division: Mountains, Rocks, Grottoes

    Using this second level will allow a search to be focussed more accurately but may still retrieve large numbers of results especially for a search covering a large number of Nice Classes.

  • Section

    The lowest level of classification. This allows a search to be focussed to a much greater level of detail e.g.

    Category: Animals
    Division: Birds and Bats
    Section: Penguins

    Category: Lanscapes
    Division: Mountains, Rocks, Grottoes
    Section: Volcano

In some categories only two levels of the classification are used.


The search goal is listed in the first column. Read across each row to find the category, division and section you should use in your search.
To search images of Category Division Section
Dogs Animals Quadripeds of Series 1 Dogs, wolves, foxes
Balloons Games, Toys, Sporting Articles Games and toys  
Bread Foodstuffs Balers' products, pastry, confectionery, chocolate  
Cars Transport, Equipment for Animals Land Vehicles Motor Road Vehicles

How to carry out a more focused image search

It is possible to carry out a more focused image search by using the And/Or operators.

The "And" operator returns only marks that contain all of the Vienna codes input

The "Or" operator returns marks that contain any of the Vienna codes input

For example, a search for dogs and balloons will retrieve only marks containing both of these elements. Whereas a search for dogs or balloons will retrieve marks consisting of either of these elements. As such, using "And" will reduce the number of hits, as opposed to using "Or".

Geometric Shapes

Geometric shapes are difficult to classify and search, and due to the numbers of these types of marks on our database, these types of marks are unable to be searched on our website.

Combining Searches

Word or Image search

This option will return marks that contain either the words from the search terms used or the images. Example:

Read across the row to find the word search term, the search option, the image search terms and the types of marks that will be found
Word search term Search option Image search terms Will find marks that contain
Lady bird OR Animals
Insects, spiders....
Insects (other than...)
Word only marks that contain the word "Ladybird"

Image only marks that contain an image of a Ladybird or Ladybirds

Marks that contain a combination of the word Ladybird and images of a Ladybird or Ladybirds

Word and Image

This option will return marks that contain both the word(s) and the image search terms. Example:

Read across the row to find the word search term, the search option, the image search terms and the types of marks that will be found
Word search term Search option Image search terms Will find marks that contain
Lady bird AND Animals
Insects, spiders....
Insects (other than...)
Marks that only contain a combination of  the word Ladybird and images of a Ladybird or Ladybirds

Understanding your results

A maximum of 1000 results can be returned.

If more than 1000 hits are found, and error message "Your search returned over 1000 results, please refine your criteria" is displayed. To proceed, the search will have to be amended.

What to do if you retrieve too many results

  • You can limit the number of classes searched. Use the classification guide to identify the goods or services that are most important to you and also unselect classes which you do not want to search in
  • Search classes individually if searching a very common term e.g. an all class search will bring back more results than a single class search.
  • Use "Starts with" to see if there are marks that start with the term, (if searching a word)
  • Use "Word" rather than “Contains String”, (if searching a word)
  • Search words and images as separate searches
  • Use a more focussed image search by using a lower level Vienna classification, (if searching an image)
  • Use combinations of terms using the "and" ”or” operators. (“and” reduces, whilst “or” increases)
  • Use the most specific Vienna code possible for you search, e.g. use Divisions or Categories whenever possible
  • Use a different term, e.g. one that is likely to bring back too fewer hits
  • Consider searching "All Live" statuses rather than "All" statuses

Protected Words and Images

Certain words or images cannot be registered as trade marks because they are protected by International convention or by national or International legislation.

This search will return four separate types of protected marks:

The different categories are shown in the first column. Read across each row to find the type of protection, what the category includes and the classes of goods or services these marks are protected in.
Category Type of protection What this category includes Classes of goods or services these marks are protected in
1 Marks Protected under the Paris Convention

Article 3 of the procedure for the selection of International Non-Proprietary Names
Names, emblems, titles, symbols etc of signatories to the Paris Convention

Names of International organisations
All classes
1 to 45
2 International non-proprietary names Veterinary substances, pesticides, pharmaceutical preparations and substances 5
3 Geographical Indications

Regulations 510/2006, 1493/99 and 1576/89
Protected Geographical Indications (PGI)

Protected Designations of Origin (PDO)

Geographical Designations of Origin for Wines and Spirits
This includes words such as “Champagne” (wines), Dorset blue” (cheese).
29, 30, 31, 32, 33
4 Marks Protected under other legislation Includes symbols such as the Red Cross, Red Crescent, Red Crystal, Olympic ring and words such as Anzac, Olympic, Red Cross, Red Crescent All classes
1 to 45

Applications which consist of, or contain trade marks that closely resemble signs in these categories will be objected to at the examination stage.